Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2014 Bookish Resolutions

So this year is going to be kinda crazy. I'm going to be doing my student teaching in the fall and I've got a lot of deadlines to meet before then. With that in mind I've decided to keep by book goals this year ambitious (for me), but still realistic.

1. Read 52 books
2. Read 12 of the unread books I own
3. Re-read Harry Potter
4. Read 3 classics
5. Read The Hobbit and LoTR trilogy

Goal 5 is part of a reading challenge between my husband and me. I've challenged him to read Harry Potter. He's seen all the movies, but has only read the first 3. For shame I tell you. 

Hello World

So.... I created this blog a while ago. Obviously I never actually got around to updating it. I had intended for this to be a blog about newlywed life. However, I've been married for almost two years now and therefore am no longer a newlywed. So I've decided to use this as a book blog instead.

I realize the name isn't really bookish, but I've decided to keep it anyway. It's my husband and my anniversary date. Its got sentimental meaning, so I'm sticking to it.

So here goes nothing.